KEME-Construction of buildings of the Educational Labs of the Panepistimioupoli Rethymnon2018-12-12T00:25:03+00:00

Project Description

KEME-Construction of buildings of the Educational Labs of the Panepistimioupoli Rethymnon

The present project was aimed at completing the already constructed buildings of complex Α, Β, Γ with the buildings Δ and Ε, as well as the configuration of the surrounding area of the whole complex.

In particular, it is clarified that the construction works of the above project included the work of the buildings of the R & D with their underground – the buildings are developed in 432 sq. M. of underground spaces and 759 sq. m. superstructure, the surrounding area of the buildings and the surrounding area of the already constructed buildings A, B and C.

The surrounding area occupies an area of approximately 4,000 sq. M.

The Project