Project Description
Hall construction and 5×5 keltsetto at the Pyrgos Gymnasium of the Municipality of Archanes of Asterousia
The project concerned the construction of a new ground floor hall in the Northwest of the existing building of the Pyrgos Gymnasium of the Municipality of Archanes – Asterousia, specifically in addition to the construction works, and the E / M installations were insulated externally with a thermo-finish and the roof was constructed with inverted insulation, architectural protrusions in the openings of the eastern side.
Build a ramp of people with disabilities. Interventions were made in the existing building, and in particular, new tiled tiles were removed and placed on the South’s roof, four doors of the classrooms were replaced and inverted insulation was built on the existing old Gymnasium roof.
- Construction of the Informatics and Culture building of the local community of Vouton of the Municipality of Heraklionrethemnos2018-12-12T00:09:36+00:00
- Renovation and Repair of the Public Building of the Former Town Hall of the Municipality of Archanes-Asteroussiarethemnos2018-12-12T00:23:25+00:00